As an enneagram 4w5, I love a good metaphor. So here’s one for you; the ocean, for me, is a metaphor for life. We’re all on a beautiful sailing journey exploring life and learning new and old truths. In the process, we are discovering ourselves.
Sometimes the journey is smooth sailing. The weather is working for us and we are riding a wave that is taking us exactly where we want to go. Other times, everything is working against us; the wind, the waves, the boat. Heck some days we’re not even on the boat. We’re in the water struggling to stay afloat. And then there are days where we can’t get ourselves off the shore.
I view therapy as an invaluable tool in navigating our unique journeys—ones that can be lonely and even painful. In our sessions, I come alongside you as a guide and witness. I invite you to lean in and listen to your inner self. We work together to explore and make sense of what hinders and propels your growth. We venture out into the deep and dive into the unconscious in order to expand your awareness of your story and activate your healing. I cannot promise that therapy will always feel comfortable, but I can promise that it is absolutely worth it.